I feel like I haven’t been posting as much lately. The reality is a lot has happened in the last few weeks that I don’t feel fully capable of describing over a blog post. I even find it hard to describe to people over the phone. The truth is, God has been moving in my life, and even if no one else gets anything out of this DTS, I know that this DTS has forever changed my life, or at least, that is what I pray. God moves in unusual ways, but I’m finding that He only speaks to us in ways that we can handle. In addition, He speaks to each of us in a unique way. When He speaks to me, it is a message particularly catered to me.
In the last few weeks, I have spent more time at Greenhaven Farm, with my roommates, and with God. My focus has shifted in the past few weeks, and I can only pray that the Lord allows me and gives me strength to be real and authentic everyday, and that He allows me to see more of Him; to meet Him in my heart and not simply in my head.
I have been finding over the last few weeks that I knew God before only in my head and not in my heart. I guess this might seem like a strange statement to those who know me, but God wants our hearts not our minds. Yes, ideally, He would like our minds too, but that is not where revelation of who He is comes from. He doesn’t live in our heads. He doesn’t even care about how much knowledge we have or don’t have because if we have a heart that is not in full surrender to Him, we aren’t going anywhere. We will be stalled by our knowledge…. I guess I’ve been learning that knowledge is all well and good, but that doesn’t mean that you truly understand what He has done for you. I didn’t.
I have spent years of my life doing. I have spent so long trying to earn salvation, without realizing it. I thought that God wanted me to always be doing things for Him. I had two hands that were willing, but I didn’t have a heart that was open to Him. God uses our hands, but that isn’t what He is after. Just today, our speaker Frank Naea mentioned a verse that sums this up pretty well:
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may
give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I
pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may
know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in
the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is
like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised
him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far
above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be
given not only in te present age but also in the one to come” (Ephesians 1:17-21
This is a matter of the HEART! It is a matter of God reaching us in the very depths of our being… suddenly, life is no longer about constantly moving, mental aerobics, or doing as much as I possibly can do in one day. It is about the condition of my heart, which I can testify my heart is in pretty sorry shape in relation to my Father in Heaven. I don’t, or I should say didn’t, know God in way that reached my heart. I had all this knowledge about God, the Bible, theology, society, people….but nothing about WHO God is. Nothing. There are many reasons why I never let God take root, and one of them just happens to be that I was too busy doing to stop and allow God into my heart. It also goes back to pride and the idea that I never wanted to let anyone hurt me ever again, so I didn’t. I built walls around myself, my heart, which kept all out; including God. It left me a robot, shell of a human being.
Even as I write this, I can hear the voices of those of you reading this, saying, “No, this isn’t right…they must have brainwashed her…” “This couldn’t be true, she is so servant hearted…” and on and on and on and on…. You don’t have to agree with any of this, but you don’t see my heart. Only God knows what has happened, how I came to this stage, and what He sees as my next steps. He alone can save me, and only He can tell me who I am and who I am not. Amazingly, I don’t feel pain writing this.
It really is about our personal relationship with God the Father. He saved me. SAVED me. He saved you too, but do you feel it? Do you feel the weight of your chains lifted? I do. Do you feel it in the depths of your heart? It really hit home today that believing in God in your heart says that the blood of Jesus is sufficient, that the grace of God is sufficient for me. I don’t have to do. I don’t have to prove myself to God. I just have to allow His grace to flood my heart, and I have to daily give my life over to Him. It is hard. Even now as I still struggle with my relationships with some of the girls here and back home, I have to hand those over to God. I have to focus on Him. When I feel like I’m being overwhelmed by everything that I feel like I need to work on, I just hand it over to God. The work He has started in me, He has also finished in me through the cross…and that is enough for me. It is not by my works that I am saved, but by His grace.
In other more exciting news, just last Sunday, we had a JAMM Café, which is an opportunity for my DTS to take over a church service and get our message about human trafficking out. We led worship, read poems, had a small skit about human trafficking, and asked for financial support…which God more than supplied our needs…we asked for $1500, and God provided much more than I or anyone else ever expected. His provision has been huge thus far.
Thank you as always for your support and prayers… this is going to be my last blog posting for a long while due to lack of computers on outreach. However, some of my fellow DTSers are going to blogging about our journey in Japan and Thailand for the group…the link is: http://jamm2011.dinstudio.com/
Check it out, book mark it, add it to your favorites, and find out how I am doing and more about our outreach!!
Praise God for working, for revealing himself, for blessing you with a heart knowledge of him. Sometimes I let my head take over, and your honest words remind me of the incredible truth of the gospel that should keep my heart soft, always, to the Lord. Praying for you, friend! So excited for what God is doing
ReplyDeleteHey!! Thanks! I appreciate your kind words. I pray always that we have a soft and receptive heart to the words that He has for us. Keep Him in your heart, not your head... we think too much anyway :)